Blog 2: U.S Supreme Court

What is it? 
 The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. It is located in Washington, DC. In order to become a member, The President must nominate you. Those who are nominated are now justices and will hold their position  FOR LIFE!! 

What do they do? 
The Supreme Court contains about 9 justices. They review cases that were passed up to them and appealed by the lower courts. However, not all cases are reviewed by the Supreme Court. In fact, the court receives over 7000 cases ANNUALLY and only a fraction of them get reviewed by the court.  

The Justices serving in the Supreme Court today are 
  1. Chief Justice John Roberts
      2) Samuel Alito
      3) Ruth  Ginsburg
      4) Stephen Breyer
      5) Neil Gorsuch
      6) Elena Kagan
      7)  Brett Kavanaugh
      8) Sonia Sotomayor
      9)Clarence Thomas

How does one make their case be heard? 
For the Supreme Court to review your case, the case must involve federal law or be about the laws that occur in 2 or more states.  
Cases must first be decided by a federal District Court AND the Federal Court of Appeals or by a State Supreme Court. The Supreme Court can choose not to decide a case for any reason. 

What happens if a Justice Retires? 
When a justice retires, he or she can still be asked to serve as a judge on a Federal Court of Appeals.

I hope this blog post gave you a better understanding of what the Supreme Court is and its key roles. For more information check out and

See you next week! 
